- Place a clean strand of hair with no product in a glass of room-temperature water.
- Let the strand sit undisturbed for three minutes without touching it.
- If your strand floats, it indicates low porosity.
- If it immediately sinks or sinks within three minutes, it suggests high porosity.
- If the strand remains suspended in the middle, it reflects medium or normal porosity.
What Is "Hair Porosity" And Why Is It Important?
Understanding hair porosity is one of the most valuable steps you can take in your hair care journey. This knowledge can save you time, money, and frustration, as not all products work effectively for every hair porosity type. Before purchasing any OrganiGrowHairCo products, it's essential to determine your correct hair porosity.
Hair porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. Knowing your porosity type helps you select the best methods and products to maintain, style, hydrate, deep condition, and care for your hair.
Hair porosity is categorized into three types: Low, Medium (Normal), and High:
- Low Porosity: The cuticles lie flat and tightly packed, resembling roof shingles, which makes it challenging for water and products to penetrate.
- Medium (Normal) Porosity: The cuticles are slightly raised, making this type the easiest to manage and requiring minimal maintenance.
- High Porosity: The cuticles are raised and highly porous, allowing moisture and products to enter easily but escape quickly. High porosity is often linked to damage and requires extra care.