Shower filters can be a great solution to many of the issues well water and municipal tap water causes to your hair and skin when taking showers. But what about when you take a bath, rinse your vegetables, wash your clothes and your face?
A whole house water filtration is one of the best investments you can make, which is why we have partnered with LifeSource Water Systems to bring you the best in water filtration..
Our CEO Kay Cola installed one in her home and instantly saw a difference. “I knew as soon as I used it that I wanted my valuable growers and glowers to experience the benefits and blessings of a home water filtration system.” OrganiGrow OrganiGlow & OrganiGoLifeCo are offering $100 off to our customers only!
Plus Life Source will throw in additional promos to OrganiGrow OrganiGlow OrganiLife Customers.
Benefits of a home water filtration system include:
- Whole house water filters remove unwanted chemicals like chlorine and chloramines, without using salt or other additives.
- The patented ScaleSolver technology prevents scale-build-up, protecting your pipes and improving the efficiency of water based appliances.
- Safe Drinking water at home, especially convenient for disasters and quarantines.
- Protect the environment and save money from buying plastic bottled water.
- Reduce gastrointestinal diseases from parasites and micro organisms in water.
- Save money on plumbing from harsh wear and tear on pipes.
- Minimize skin conditions such as eczema & psoriasis, as well as reduce hair fall.
If you are in the United States and are interested in a whole home water filtration system please contact Damien Alarcon at (909) 918-7049 or damien@lifesourcewater.com
Be sure to mention OrganiGrowHairCo OrganiGlowSkinco or OrganiGoLifeCo for $100 off plus promos