Keep What You Grow

Welcome To The Growers Club


Hair growth is a process; and for your hair feel and look it’s absolute best, that process must be carried out in full and requires dedication. Three stages of hair growth include: anagen, catagen and telogen, which occur simultaneously in different strands of hair. The average rate at which these phases make new hair is about .5 inches per month, or six inches a year. While growth rates vary per person, and depend on other factors such as diet and medications, your hair is growing. When you say, “my hair isn’t growing,” and I say, “yes it is,” here’s why:

In the anagen phase of growth, your follicles bury themselves into the skin to nourish the new developing hair fibers. The longer this process takes, the longer and faster the hair grows. This phase is determined by genetics and supplemented with proper diet and internal health.

During the catagen phase, the follicle renews itself. Over the course of about two weeks it shrinks, cuts the hair off from the nourishment received in the anagen phase and forces the hair “out” causing the hair shaft to be pushed upward. This is known as “new growth.”

Lastly, the telogen phase is when the follicle remains dormant for one to four months. At any given point, 10-15% of the hairs on your head are in this phase, which explains why you may have portions of hair that seem to grow faster than others. Once this time has passed, the anagen phase starts again.

There is a theory that everyone has a terminal growth point at which their hair completely stops growing. However, that theory is not yet supported with concrete, scientific evidence. That being said, you can assume that your hair is always in the growth cycle. This is not to be confused with terminal length—the point at which hair seems to be unable to remain intact without cutting due to breakage. Due to the fact that growth is genetically predetermined, you cannot physically alter the rate at which your hair grows, nor do you have control of its texture, color, or density. What is in your control? The factors that improve the new strands and retain length so your growth is visible and your hair is healthy.

Length retention


Below, I’ve broken down the products that cause our clients to see a two-to-three inch hair growth per month. Here’s everything I use to retain my length and care for my hair to prevent breakage - resulting in the noticeable changes in length:


The Grow Diamond Bundle

   This Bundle Comes in Low, Medium & High Porosity. Each product in this bundle has its own unique hair growth and length retention properties. All three products serve their own purpose in helping your hair achieve its full potential.

  • In order to keep your scalp and hair clean, our Growpoo Shampoo will remove product buildup, revitalize the hair, and heal the scalp. Your hair will shed and break less when it is freshly cleansed and hydrated with our shampoo. Our special formula with essential oils promotes growth while simultaneously restoring and adding shine and volume to your hair.


  • Nourish your hair with the Growtein Deep or Growtein Free Deep Conditioner. We’ve created this conditioner for all hair porosities to ensure proper amounts of moisture are installed in the hair shaft. This will help the hair endure all of the external elements and styling that will happen in the days after washing.


  • The vitamins and minerals in our life changing Scalp Beverage include:
    • Iron
    • Calcium
    • Potassium
    • Vitamins A, B, C, and E.
    • Oleic Acid (a nutrient needed to stimulate growth)


  • Our Re-Do PrePoo is a unique essential oil based formula that will add volume and shine while promoting growth and fighting dandruff.


  • The Hair Dew prevents shedding by forming a natural protective coat. The Jojoba oil prevents breakage and blockage in the scalp while moisturizing dry hair.
  • Try our Scalp Massager to massage your scalp, stimulate rapid growth, increase circulation and blood flow, and use as a soothing shampoo brush.


  • The Grow & Glow Multi-Vitamin contains moringa, Vitamin A, and Zinc, which all stimulate hair growth by developing healthy cells.


  • Always sleep in our Satin Scarf to protect your hair at night. Also try our Satin Pillowcase to keep your hair protected as it rubs the pillow in your sleep.



Happy Growing


The average person’s hair grows about half an inch a month or approximately six inches per year. Thanks to OrganiGrowHairCo, our clients have noticed a two-to-three inch growth in hair monthly. Join our Growers Club today and watch the difference our products make.


Want to keep track of your growth and show it off at the same time? Check out our Growers Club Tees. Our soft, cotton tees have a hair length measurer on the back to show off your progress! Remember, consistency is key for healthy hair. Just like you need a schedule and routine to successfully conquer your day, your hair needs a routine to get adjusted to and flourish in. Once you find what works, make it a point to stick to it. Happy growing!

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