How do you know your hair porosity?

Hair porosity refers to the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. It is determined by the structure and condition of the hair's cuticle, which is the outermost layer of the hair shaft. The cuticle consists of overlapping scales that can either lie flat (low porosity) or be raised (high porosity). Understanding your hair porosity can help you choose the right hair care products and develop an appropriate hair care routine.

Here are the three main categories of hair porosity:

1. Low Porosity Hair: Low porosity hair has a tightly packed cuticle layer, which makes it more difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. This type of hair often feels resistant to water and products may sit on the hair without being absorbed. Low porosity hair tends to take longer to dry and can be prone to product buildup. To enhance moisture absorption, it is beneficial to use lightweight products and incorporate heat, such as using a steamer or a warm towel, to open up the cuticles during conditioning.

2. Medium Porosity Hair: Medium porosity hair has a well-balanced cuticle structure, allowing the hair to easily absorb and retain moisture. This type of hair is generally healthy, manageable, and has good elasticity. It requires regular maintenance and can benefit from a variety of hair care products.

3. High Porosity Hair: High porosity hair has gaps or holes in the cuticle layer, which allows moisture to be quickly absorbed but also easily lost. This type of hair tends to be more prone to frizz, tangles, and damage. High porosity hair may feel dry and rough due to the cuticle's inability to effectively retain moisture. It requires regular deep conditioning, protein treatments, and sealing with heavier products to help reduce moisture loss and improve hair health.

To determine your hair's porosity level, you can perform a simple porosity test. Take a strand of clean, dry hair and place it in a glass of water. If it sinks quickly, your hair is likely high porosity. If it floats in the middle, you have medium porosity hair. If it remains on the surface, your hair is likely low porosity.



By understanding your hair porosity, you can select products and techniques that suit your hair's specific needs. This knowledge can help you maintain optimal moisture balance, improve hair health, and achieve the desired look and feel for your hair.

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