How to Determine Your Hair Porosity at Home: Simple Tests and Indicators
Determining your hair porosity at home is essential as it helps you understand how well your hair can absorb and retain moisture. There are several simple tests and indicators you can use to identify your hair porosity. Hair porosity is generally classified into three types: low porosity, normal porosity, and high porosity. Here's how you can determine your hair porosity:
1. The Float Test:
Take a few clean strands of hair from your brush or comb.
Fill a glass or bowl with room-temperature water.
Place the hair strands on the surface of the water.
Observe the hair strands after 2-4 minutes.
Low Porosity Hair: If the hair strands float on the water's surface for an extended period without sinking, you likely have low porosity hair. This means your hair cuticles are tightly packed, making it challenging for moisture to penetrate.
Normal Porosity Hair: If the hair strands sink to the middle of the water and float, you have normal porosity hair. This indicates that your hair cuticles are moderately open, allowing for proper moisture absorption and retention.
High Porosity Hair: If the hair strands sink to the bottom of the water, you have high porosity hair. This suggests that your hair cuticles are overly open, causing moisture to be absorbed quickly but lost just as fast.
2. The Slip 'n' Slide Test:
Take a single strand of hair and run your fingers up the hair shaft from the ends towards the scalp.
Pay attention to how it feels.
Low Porosity Hair: If the strand feels smooth and it's hard to move your fingers up the hair shaft, you likely have low porosity hair.
Normal Porosity Hair: If your fingers move smoothly up the hair shaft with a bit of resistance, you have normal porosity hair.
High Porosity Hair: If your fingers easily slide up the hair shaft, almost as if it's slipping, you probably have high porosity hair.
3. The Appearance and Feel Test:
Observe the appearance and feel of your hair when it's clean and dry.
Low Porosity Hair: Low porosity hair often appears shiny, feels rough or waxy to the touch, and takes a long time to dry.
Normal Porosity Hair: Normal porosity hair generally has a healthy shine, feels smooth to the touch, and dries at a moderate pace.
High Porosity Hair: High porosity hair may look dull, feel excessively dry, rough, or frizzy, and dries quickly.
By performing these simple tests and considering the indicators, you can get a good idea of your hair porosity. Once you determine your hair's porosity level, you can tailor your hair care routine accordingly to keep your locks healthy, moisturized, and manageable.